Tile Therapy: Improve Your Well-Being With Interior Design

Tile Therapy: Improve Your Well-Being with Interior Design

Shop The Look: Eryn Aquamarine 4x12 Bright Ceramic Tile

Our environment significantly impacts our mood, so it makes sense that the interior design choices we make can have an effect on mental health. In this blog post, we’ll talk about six ways you can use tile to create an environment that enhances overall well-being. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the article for a special discount code that will help you choose the perfect tile!



1.   Create a Sense of Spaciousness

Shop The Look: Alvion Arena 24x24 Porcelain Tile 

Alvion Arena 24x24 Porcelain Tile

Rooms that feel open and spacious can promote relaxation, focus, and reduced stress. There are several ways to make spaces seem bigger with tile:

      Choose large-format tile over small mosaics - Large tiles make rooms seem more expansive. Because large-format tiles have minimal grout lines, they create a smoother, more seamless look. Choosing grout that closely matches the color of the tile contributes to an even more streamlined appearance. You can even use the same large-format tile for both floors and walls, as pictured, and select a light-colored tile for an uninterrupted, open, and airy aesthetic.

      Select wider planks if you’re considering wood-look tile - Wood-look porcelain and luxury vinyl tile enable you to get the look of genuine hardwood at a lower price. Opting for wider planks and installing them so that they run parallel to the room’s longest wall can visually expand the space.

      Lay your tile diagonally - The eye is typically drawn to the widest part of the flooring pattern. Laying tile diagonally, potentially in a herringbone pattern, can make small rooms appear larger.

2.   Make the Space Light and Bright

Aquatic Penny Bluish Gray Glass Mosaic Tile

Shop The Look: Aquatic Penny Bluish Gray Glass Mosaic Tile

Light, bright spaces, particularly those filled with natural light, can boost mood, reduce symptoms of depression, and regulate circadian rhythms. One way to make a room brighter is to use glass tile on the walls. Since glass is highly reflective, it makes the entire space seem brighter by amplifying the light coming into the room. Transparent or light-colored glass tiles typically create the strongest effect.

Glass tile is a great choice for backsplashes, accent walls, bar and fireplace surrounds, and showers. However, it can be expensive. If this material doesn’t suit your budget, you can achieve a similar look with glossy porcelain tile.

3.   Choose Colors That Embody Your Desired Mood

Verdure Forest 3x6 Ceramic Tile

Shop The Look: Verdure Forest 3x6 Ceramic Tile

Color psychology can greatly impact the way a room influences your mood. In other words, our associations with different colors often have a tangible effect on the way we feel. Try selecting tile of a certain color to match the mood you’d like the space to embody. For example, blue and green are widely known to be the most relaxing colors. Earth tones, in general, can have a grounding effect.

Here’s an overview of the psychology of various colors:

      Red: Attracts attention, can indicate danger, represents passion and love

      Orange: Associated with the tropics, can encourage people to open up, may stimulate creativity

      Yellow: Linked to happiness and optimism, can be overwhelming if it’s too bright, may promote cheerfulness and energy in more muted tones

      Green: Associated with nature, represents health and freshness, has a relaxing yet invigorating effect

      Blue: Reminiscent of water, can induce calmness and serenity by lowering heart rate, may increase psychological flexibility and imagination

      Purple: Combines the energy of the color red with the stability of the color blue, associated with royalty, nobility, magic, and wisdom

      Pink: Non-threatening, associated with youth and femininity, can be calming and hopeful

      White: Associated with new beginnings, serenity, and elegance, viewed as the color of perfection, represents cleanliness, makes spaces feel lighter and brighter

      Brown: Can be warm and comforting, represents security, stability, and wisdom

      Gray: Represents neutrality and balance, associated with responsibility and maturity

      Black: Associated with power, protection, and elegance, can represent grief, mystery, and the unknown 

4.   Opt for Rounded Edges

Penny Round Black Matte 11.5x12.25 Porcelain Tile

Shop The Look: Penny Round Black Matte 11.5x12.25 Porcelain Tile

Choosing tile with rounded edges as opposed to jagged edges may have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. For instance, you might consider penny round or scallop-shaped tiles. Research suggests that people tend to prefer curved lines, which are perceived as gentle and graceful, over angular lines, which can seem more serious and threatening. 

It’s thought that this preference stems from the abundance of curved shapes in nature. While the effects of rounded versus angular tiles may be subtle, combining rounded tiles with some of the other strategies in this blog post may have a more significant impact on your mood.

5.   Consider Nature-Inspired Designs

Sliced Pebble Earth Tumbled Tile

Shop The Look: Sliced Pebble Earth Tumbled Tile

Bringing elements of the outdoors inside promotes relaxation and calmness, as spending time in nature is associated with enhanced mental health. Most people spend the majority of their time indoors, so adding pieces of the natural world or items with designs that are reminiscent of nature can be uplifting. Interior design with natural elements can reduce stress while increasing productivity and creativity.

When it comes to tile, nature-inspired designs like the pebbled option shown here can be excellent choices. You may also be able to find tiles in the shapes of leaves or flowers. Opting for tiles in earth tones can create a similar effect. Of course, outside of tile, houseplants and flowing water features are also great ways to bring elements of nature into your home.


6.   Select Natural (or Natural-Look) Materials

Woodwille Nogales 8x48 Porcelain Tile

Shop The Look: Woodwille Nogales 8x48 Porcelain Tile

Organic or natural materials, such as hardwood and natural stone flooring, are another way to enhance well-being with your interior design choices. The presence of natural materials in your environment promotes a sense of groundedness, tranquility, and reduced stress. Their natural beauty can boost mood and even improve cognitive function. 

However, these options aren’t always the most budget-friendly. You can get the same look with porcelain tile, which can replicate the appearance of marble and various types of natural stone. Luxury vinyl tile beautifully imitates the look of genuine hardwood at a lower price as well.

Find the Perfect Tile for Your Next Project at Tilezz.com

Tilezz.com has a wide range of tile options in various shapes, sizes, materials, colors, and patterns–there’s something to suit any and all preferences. You can view all of our products here, or visit our blog for interior design inspiration and DIY tile installation tips. Don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest for even more Tilezz.com content!

Discount Code

Choosing the right tile for your home based solely on online descriptions and photos can be challenging, which is why buying samples is so helpful. You can use code XJF6RNZY5BJJ to get 30% off when you purchase four or more samples, allowing you to see exactly how each tile option will look in your home before you commit to purchasing several boxes.

Please note that this code does not apply to full-size tiles and can only be used with samples.

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